I hate all of this gloominess outside, just soooo depressing outside right now. I haven't posted in a little while so I wanted to let everyone in on what I have been up to....... Not a whole lot lol.
I have recently started to go back to the gym and started my diet, which is a lot harder to do when your not in the right frame of mind. But I am doing it, also I have lost 5 pounds already... WOOT! Now that the sun is starting to come out little by little I am going to start back up my mountain biking love that I once had. See back in the day when I was a wee lad of 15 I use to ride in the NORBA series of racing, and I was pretty good at it, until I took a bad spill and kinda gave up on it. So I think it is now time to dust off my race bike and start hitting the mountains again. I love the feeling of grinding up a challenging hill to have the thrill of coming over the peak and just blasting down the other side. God I miss that and will be getting back to it...... expect videos of me blasting the hills!
So other than the working out and getting back into mountain biking I have really haven't done that much. Oh I came up with my new tattoo idea and its going to be the KONAMI Code with the power symbol on my wrist like a bracelet. I think its unique and really shows my love of gaming and my devotion to keeping the gaming side of me intact because I really do love gaming, it has kept my hopes and dreams alive and is a good way to make friends and its another form of competition. Plus you don't have to be the best to enjoy the thrill of gaming!
Well that's all for now if anything happens that is of post worthiness then I shall post it.
Till Next Time Stay YEKNOM and Stay saved!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Only Time Can Heal This
Well it has been a couple of days since I have posted so I think today is a good day to post. I really don't know where to start because my life has just been turned on its head in a matter of a few days. My girlfriend that is now my ex-girlfriend has recently left me after 5 1/2 years because she does not feel the butterflies anymore and that we have nothing in common. I was planning to move down with her and start my life with her very soon and now that she has left em I need to re-evaluate my life and its goals. So in order is my new life plan (So far)
1. Go back to school
2. Get back into shape
3. Finally get my second tattoo!
4. Have fun with friends again
5. Find someone that loves me for who I am
Those are my goals for now, they may change they may not change but the important thing is that I am setting them and no one else is. Time to take my life and put it back into my hands.
Yesterday was my best friends wedding, a cruel twist of fate that his wedding was actually moved up a week. I called him on the off chance that he wnated to hang out and when I called him he told me he couldn't today because he was at the church ready to get married. Holy shit I told him and he said to me please make sure your here I couldn't get a hold of you for a while and it would really mean a lot if I knew you were there. So I had 30 mins to take a shower, Eat, Shave, Dress my self and make it to the church..... and it was all accomplished and I got there on time, well late the bride was late hahaha.
So I know am starting a new life of self exploration and self discovery.
Have A YEKNOM Day!
1. Go back to school
2. Get back into shape
3. Finally get my second tattoo!
4. Have fun with friends again
5. Find someone that loves me for who I am
Those are my goals for now, they may change they may not change but the important thing is that I am setting them and no one else is. Time to take my life and put it back into my hands.
Yesterday was my best friends wedding, a cruel twist of fate that his wedding was actually moved up a week. I called him on the off chance that he wnated to hang out and when I called him he told me he couldn't today because he was at the church ready to get married. Holy shit I told him and he said to me please make sure your here I couldn't get a hold of you for a while and it would really mean a lot if I knew you were there. So I had 30 mins to take a shower, Eat, Shave, Dress my self and make it to the church..... and it was all accomplished and I got there on time, well late the bride was late hahaha.
So I know am starting a new life of self exploration and self discovery.
Have A YEKNOM Day!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Well, today is Friday the 13th and most people associate the number 13 as a bad omen and especially if it falls on a Friday. I am not one of those people, I don't believe that the number 13 is unlucky nor do I think that Friday the 13th is the worst day combination of the year. I today had a great day to be honest with you... although I did do something uber embarrassing, but I will get to that later.
I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks because nothing really that interesting happened to me in the past 2-3 weeks. I usually go to work, come home, eat, then game till I fall asleep. See now isn't kinda boring? Really if you read that day in and day out you would not want to read this blog.... really I wouldn't lol.
So today I wake up and find out the hard way that we have no heat in my house.... so no heat means what.... come on take a guess....... figure it out yet? No, OK take a couple more seconds........... OK times up, what that means is that there is no hot water, not a drop. A little back story to go with this is that I am not a morning person, I can barely function until I get a cup of coffee into me. So I wake up and get naked and turn on the shower then I go check my mail.... Yes I check my email in the nude..... you might think that is weird but I am actually multitasking. See I turn on the shower and let it warm up, that takes about 3-4 minutes to do so, so I go to my computer and check my email to check if there is anything good.... most of the time there isn't much good but sometimes a get a nice surprise. So anyway back to my morning, as I finish checking my mail I get up and head to the shower.. now usually I check to see if the shower is warm but today I was in a rush and just jumped in..... and that's when I found out there was ABSOLUTELY NO HOT WATER!!!! There I am still more than half asleep and naked jumping into a FREEZING cold shower and if you could see my face and hear me scream you would think I saw a ghost while simultaneously being murdered.... go ahead and just picture that............ OK.
So after my "refreshing" shower I get ready and head out to work. That was mostly uneventful except I was stuck behind a old lady that was doing 20 MPH in a 40 MPH. So that was frustrating but the kicker was that when I got into work she was one of our customers, and she wasn't all to please with me because I was "kinda" tailgating her and I "Might" have passed her on the road. But damn shes is pushing 90 years old and really really shouldn't be driving. My coworkers agreed with me and told me they all would have done the same but they would have flipped her off as they passed, I didn't do that I was a little bit nice to her as i passed.
there I am at work and doing my normal thing, take customer, give out cash and all that jazz. Then one of my coworkers who has been dealing with a jeweler that has her expensive diamond bracelet in his possession for about a bout finally gets it back. Here is the kicker I look at the bracelet and the clasp that had broke off which is why she took it there to get repaired looks like a 4 year old went at the clasp. The solder (I didn't know solder sounded like SODDER, damn my dyslexia)job was horrible. She then told us how much it was going to cost her.... go ahead and take a guess................ nope your wrong..... the guy had the balls to charge her $150!!! I was pissed and you got to know that the lady that this happened to is the most timid little thing and the most kind hearted person you will ever meet. This fuck bag tried to take advantage of her and that just isn't right. So I told her that WE are going back to this guy and telling him WE are not happy with this.... She was scared shitless when I told her this, but she said OK. I got to tell you I am not a guy that likes confrontations I generally avoid them at all cost but when you try to fuck over a god person I will go ape shit on your ass! So I take a walk down to the jeweler and this guy is the typical scuzzy jeweler type, I tell him that the work he did was shit at best and for him to take his work off the bracelet. He complied with the utmost quickness, I am a big guy and he really really didn't want to get on my bad side. At this point my friend is turning white, and that is really hard to do because she is born and raised Irish lol. She was so happy I did that for her that she couldn't stop thanking me. I didn't do it so I can be thanked I did it because some slime ball tried to take advantage of her and that just isn't right.
After that little experience it comes time for me and Donna (a coworker of mine) to close up the bank and start proving up. So I am standing next to a fan because it is god awful hot in the teller station and I am working on running the checks and all of a sudden I sneezed and this was one of those sneezes that you lose control of everything and I mean EVERYTHING.. and I then proceeded to fart something nasty like one of those gut emptying farts. I am no standing there thinking to myself "god I hope no one heard that." Oh boy was I wrong, it was the sound that got to them... It was the smell. I hear Donna ask me " why do I smell sauerkraut? Brian do you smell that?" I tell her no because at that point I am like oh shit. After my boss leaves the tellers station I go to Donna and tell her that she wasn't smelling sauerkraut it was me and I had a sneeze that caused the gut clearing fart, and she just couldn't stop laughing, we both couldn't stop laughing it was fucking funny! I love the girls I work with, this stuff is funny and not disgusting!
That was my day today, wasn't it just full of ups and downs, conflict and resolution, flatulence's and laughter. Just a really really great day when it comes to Friday the 13th. Oh and today is exactly 6 months till my girlfriends birthday so happy 6 months to your birthday birthday!
Till Next time same Yeknom channel same Yeknom time, (not really, when ever I feel like letting you all know what is going on :) )
I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks because nothing really that interesting happened to me in the past 2-3 weeks. I usually go to work, come home, eat, then game till I fall asleep. See now isn't kinda boring? Really if you read that day in and day out you would not want to read this blog.... really I wouldn't lol.
So today I wake up and find out the hard way that we have no heat in my house.... so no heat means what.... come on take a guess....... figure it out yet? No, OK take a couple more seconds........... OK times up, what that means is that there is no hot water, not a drop. A little back story to go with this is that I am not a morning person, I can barely function until I get a cup of coffee into me. So I wake up and get naked and turn on the shower then I go check my mail.... Yes I check my email in the nude..... you might think that is weird but I am actually multitasking. See I turn on the shower and let it warm up, that takes about 3-4 minutes to do so, so I go to my computer and check my email to check if there is anything good.... most of the time there isn't much good but sometimes a get a nice surprise. So anyway back to my morning, as I finish checking my mail I get up and head to the shower.. now usually I check to see if the shower is warm but today I was in a rush and just jumped in..... and that's when I found out there was ABSOLUTELY NO HOT WATER!!!! There I am still more than half asleep and naked jumping into a FREEZING cold shower and if you could see my face and hear me scream you would think I saw a ghost while simultaneously being murdered.... go ahead and just picture that............ OK.
So after my "refreshing" shower I get ready and head out to work. That was mostly uneventful except I was stuck behind a old lady that was doing 20 MPH in a 40 MPH. So that was frustrating but the kicker was that when I got into work she was one of our customers, and she wasn't all to please with me because I was "kinda" tailgating her and I "Might" have passed her on the road. But damn shes is pushing 90 years old and really really shouldn't be driving. My coworkers agreed with me and told me they all would have done the same but they would have flipped her off as they passed, I didn't do that I was a little bit nice to her as i passed.
there I am at work and doing my normal thing, take customer, give out cash and all that jazz. Then one of my coworkers who has been dealing with a jeweler that has her expensive diamond bracelet in his possession for about a bout finally gets it back. Here is the kicker I look at the bracelet and the clasp that had broke off which is why she took it there to get repaired looks like a 4 year old went at the clasp. The solder (I didn't know solder sounded like SODDER, damn my dyslexia)job was horrible. She then told us how much it was going to cost her.... go ahead and take a guess................ nope your wrong..... the guy had the balls to charge her $150!!! I was pissed and you got to know that the lady that this happened to is the most timid little thing and the most kind hearted person you will ever meet. This fuck bag tried to take advantage of her and that just isn't right. So I told her that WE are going back to this guy and telling him WE are not happy with this.... She was scared shitless when I told her this, but she said OK. I got to tell you I am not a guy that likes confrontations I generally avoid them at all cost but when you try to fuck over a god person I will go ape shit on your ass! So I take a walk down to the jeweler and this guy is the typical scuzzy jeweler type, I tell him that the work he did was shit at best and for him to take his work off the bracelet. He complied with the utmost quickness, I am a big guy and he really really didn't want to get on my bad side. At this point my friend is turning white, and that is really hard to do because she is born and raised Irish lol. She was so happy I did that for her that she couldn't stop thanking me. I didn't do it so I can be thanked I did it because some slime ball tried to take advantage of her and that just isn't right.
After that little experience it comes time for me and Donna (a coworker of mine) to close up the bank and start proving up. So I am standing next to a fan because it is god awful hot in the teller station and I am working on running the checks and all of a sudden I sneezed and this was one of those sneezes that you lose control of everything and I mean EVERYTHING.. and I then proceeded to fart something nasty like one of those gut emptying farts. I am no standing there thinking to myself "god I hope no one heard that." Oh boy was I wrong, it was the sound that got to them... It was the smell. I hear Donna ask me " why do I smell sauerkraut? Brian do you smell that?" I tell her no because at that point I am like oh shit. After my boss leaves the tellers station I go to Donna and tell her that she wasn't smelling sauerkraut it was me and I had a sneeze that caused the gut clearing fart, and she just couldn't stop laughing, we both couldn't stop laughing it was fucking funny! I love the girls I work with, this stuff is funny and not disgusting!
That was my day today, wasn't it just full of ups and downs, conflict and resolution, flatulence's and laughter. Just a really really great day when it comes to Friday the 13th. Oh and today is exactly 6 months till my girlfriends birthday so happy 6 months to your birthday birthday!
Till Next time same Yeknom channel same Yeknom time, (not really, when ever I feel like letting you all know what is going on :) )
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Good Stuff Keeps On A Rolling
I got some more great news today from the lovely world of Twitter! I got home from work and I see a Tweet from Trixie360 saying that she has some Halo Wars Limited Edtion Games that she is giving away, special preference to people that the economy has screwed. So I told her that I am at a bank that is not doing so hot right now (which is compeltley true) and boom I got a FREE copy of Halo Wars Limited Edtion coming to me. How freaking sweet is that, the other day I get some sweet ass gear from Skate 2 and now today I get some even more sweet ass swag from Trixie360! Like my girlfriend says, " good things come in 3's" so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the next email I get is from a employer from N.C. asking me to come in for an interview!
Other than the news of more sweet sweet swag nothing really happened today that would require me to let the world know...... well maybe..... no thats about it I am going to go and hit up some fools in Street Fighter IV. Oh yeah thats something of note....
Street Fighter IV that past couple of days has been a cruel mistress to me, one day I am on top of my game kicking ass and taking names and yesterday I couldn't win to save a monkeys life. I went 7-10 last night not the worst but still it was not a good night. I use Ken and it is hard when I go up against Blanka, he is a pain in the balls in the right hands. On a side note I hate it when people call me a noob for using Ken, for the love of god I am good with him and I know his moves so why the fuck wouldn't I use him? Really think about it, if you were good at something or good with a certian thing wouldn't you want to use it to the best of your abilites? Or would you appese the masses and use something or do something that is totally foreign to you just to make other fucks happy? Well that felt good to get off my chest.... Now I feel like kicking some ass!
Till next time, keep your heads high and your YEKNOM higher!~
Other than the news of more sweet sweet swag nothing really happened today that would require me to let the world know...... well maybe..... no thats about it I am going to go and hit up some fools in Street Fighter IV. Oh yeah thats something of note....
Street Fighter IV that past couple of days has been a cruel mistress to me, one day I am on top of my game kicking ass and taking names and yesterday I couldn't win to save a monkeys life. I went 7-10 last night not the worst but still it was not a good night. I use Ken and it is hard when I go up against Blanka, he is a pain in the balls in the right hands. On a side note I hate it when people call me a noob for using Ken, for the love of god I am good with him and I know his moves so why the fuck wouldn't I use him? Really think about it, if you were good at something or good with a certian thing wouldn't you want to use it to the best of your abilites? Or would you appese the masses and use something or do something that is totally foreign to you just to make other fucks happy? Well that felt good to get off my chest.... Now I feel like kicking some ass!
Till next time, keep your heads high and your YEKNOM higher!~
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Allrighty then, here it goes....
Yesterday was a great day to be me! It first started off with a semi-snow day, I had to go to work but there were no customers and I got to eat sushi for lunch. So I get to go into work and get paid to do absolutely nothing and to top it off I got to eat some really good sushi.
The snow was fun and I got to go and drive my Subaru in the snow which is always a fun time (although my girlfriend hates it when I go out and have fun like that in my car.... sorry babe!).
Now here is when the fun really starts! I get home after "working" all day, I go and do my usual routine of stripping out of my work cloths and get into my relaxing home cloths, then I hop online and check all of my Tweets I missed during the day (since I don't have a smart phone anymore), then I hop on XBL and get to gaming. SO now you know my routine. As I start getting into a game of Street Fighter IV (which by the way is freaking AWESOME!) I hear a tweet come in from Twirl and it was a @ message to me..... So I check to see what it is and it says....
Hippyjump: Congratulations to @BigB1347 for winning the Skate 2 Shoes and Custom Deck. Thanks to everyone who entered, more giveaways coming!
I now am slightly freaking out a little bit because.... shit I never win anything online, there are thousands and thousands of people that see the same thing I see and go and do the same things I do so me winning anything like that is a million to one (not really but the odds are not that great in my favor). I get on the phone and I call my girlfriend and tell her the good news, (I love that she loves it when I get excited like that. She really accepts me for who I am and what I do... even when its pretty dorky sometimes). So yeah I won a pair of kick ass etines Skate 2 RVM shoes and a custom deck from Skate 2! So I got to say thank you again to @EA and @Hippyjump for having this contest!
Now I am off to get some more gaming on and maybe some sleep because I have work in the morning.
Till Later Be Good and Stay YEKNOM!
Yesterday was a great day to be me! It first started off with a semi-snow day, I had to go to work but there were no customers and I got to eat sushi for lunch. So I get to go into work and get paid to do absolutely nothing and to top it off I got to eat some really good sushi.
The snow was fun and I got to go and drive my Subaru in the snow which is always a fun time (although my girlfriend hates it when I go out and have fun like that in my car.... sorry babe!).

Now here is when the fun really starts! I get home after "working" all day, I go and do my usual routine of stripping out of my work cloths and get into my relaxing home cloths, then I hop online and check all of my Tweets I missed during the day (since I don't have a smart phone anymore), then I hop on XBL and get to gaming. SO now you know my routine. As I start getting into a game of Street Fighter IV (which by the way is freaking AWESOME!) I hear a tweet come in from Twirl and it was a @ message to me..... So I check to see what it is and it says....
Hippyjump: Congratulations to @BigB1347 for winning the Skate 2 Shoes and Custom Deck. Thanks to everyone who entered, more giveaways coming!
I now am slightly freaking out a little bit because.... shit I never win anything online, there are thousands and thousands of people that see the same thing I see and go and do the same things I do so me winning anything like that is a million to one (not really but the odds are not that great in my favor). I get on the phone and I call my girlfriend and tell her the good news, (I love that she loves it when I get excited like that. She really accepts me for who I am and what I do... even when its pretty dorky sometimes). So yeah I won a pair of kick ass etines Skate 2 RVM shoes and a custom deck from Skate 2! So I got to say thank you again to @EA and @Hippyjump for having this contest!
Now I am off to get some more gaming on and maybe some sleep because I have work in the morning.
Till Later Be Good and Stay YEKNOM!
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