Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Of Many

Well were to start... I am getting into the whole blogging world because of my lovely girlfriends blog. I want to bring to this blog a sense of my every day life and mindset that goes with it, your going to find what has happened in my day, the games I play and what I think about them and your also going to find what I feel is going to be the most entertaining blog out there (I have big aspirations)

So lets see here, I am 23 years old currently living in the state of New York in a small (really really small) town called Crompond. Go ahead I will wait for you to go and google it..................................................... back OK as you can see my town is UBER tiny. There is not much to do around here other than go out with friends and play games. Well that's at least what I do personally. Currently I work at a even smaller savings bank called Emigrant Saving Bank of New York. Don't let the name fool you this bank does not service the state of New York, mostly the city and when I say the city I mean maybe 10 banks in the WHOLE city. I like what I do and love the people I work with, they are as they put it; "A bunch of post menopausal crazy women." That's there own words.

Let start this blog of right with what my day consisted of.... and we are off!

Today I left my girlfriend's apartment in North Carolina after spending the best 5 days there. I flew down there for Valentines day and the weekend it self. I had so much fun and ate really well ( you will learn that I LOVE FOOD!). Cyn' who is my lovely girlfriend had a surprise waiting for me when we got back to her place. She made me a rice krispieheart with marshmallows that were in the shape of a "B". That was just the start of the great weekend I had there.

So I can go more into that or you can just check out Cyn's Blog that will give you more detail on what we did that weekend at You Call This Work...

So back to my busy day of traveling, it all started when I got up at 5 am to make it to the airport by 6:55 am flight. So that wasn't toooo bad I got to the airport in plenty of time. The only thing that sucked was that I was seated next to a big guy and that should never happen, to big guys next to each other on a plane is a bad thing, well at least uncomfortable.

Got back to NY without a hitch paid for the long term parking and got home and went to sleep..... which I need to do again.

Till Next Time,


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