Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh look another post......

Well hello again people of the internet…. I have another post for ya’ll (don’t judge, I have been living in the south for 3 years now and their langue is rubbing off on me a little bit.) and this time you don’t have to wait 2 years for it! Woot…. Yeah I rock hahahah.

I last left off with the nail biting cliff hanger of me getting married. Well it wasn’t a big cliff hanger but maybe a little teaser. Any hoo… Yes I am happily married to the love of my life, my best friend my everything. In true fashion the proposal was not your everyday romantic grand gesture. I didn’t take her out for dinner and hide the ring in a cheese cake (why anybody would ruin perfectly good food by hiding a gold or any other type of metal object in it is beyond me), I didn’t put it in a champagne glass full of champagne (or any other liquid associated with a proposal). You get the point right? I didn’t do a typical romantic proposal… nor did I do an over the top write will you marry me in the sky or billboard or jumbo-tron way. I proposed to her on our “monthiversery” which was on October 21st. Cyndi (who is the “her” in this story) was sick and stayed home that day… I just happened to be off as well. I picked the ring up the day before and I was itching to pop the question (I am horrible with keeping surprises or things of that nature). I carried the ring with me all day… we went to the grocery store to pick up so comfort food because like I said Cyndi was not feeling good and I wanted to make her happy. Ok back to the point now… now it’s the big moment… now is the time I made up my mind in my head how I was going to propose to her. She was lying on the floor (because that was the only position she felt comfortable in) and I asked her “what would make you feel better right now?” and her response was to look at her left hand (to those that don’t know why that hand is so important Google it) and sigh. At that point I got on one knee (the tears were already starting to flow… from her…. And from me) and I asked her “in sickness and in health….. will you marry me?” Queue the tears and screaming (as much as she could she did have a sore throat) and she said YES!!!!! Then to celebrate the momentous occasion… we had shake and bake chicken and milk… I told you this was not a normal proposal in any way.

Next you shall sit there in front of your computer and read about the wedding.... and other stuff that happened before the wedding....

till then... Yeknom and forget about it!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Its Been Awhile....

So I am back…. Again…. And I know I say this time I am going to stick around for a while and post more often… and this time it is true (partially).

Since I last left off I was starting a new job (again) and I had plans of telling everyone out here in Internet land that I recently got a new pup….. and got MARRIED! Holy crap did I say married? That’s right interwebz I got hitched and I am no longer a sad lonely guy on the web (not that’s there anything wrong with that life style if you choose it… or if it is the hand that fate gave you… no judgement.) But before that (yes you English majors and English freaks out there I suck at composing sentences and I don’t give a shit because this is what is spewing from my head as I type…) (great mental image there right!) I would like to tell you guys what has happened in the almost 2 years since I have last posted.

Yes I did start a new job after I quite my last job working for T-mobile…. Well not really T-mobile but a shitty 2nd party cell phone store that had the privilege of selling there phones and contracts. But anyway….. I found myself now employed by a large GLOBAL company that does windshield repair and replacements… not going to name names because like I said they are GLOBAL and in these days one little wrong word typed anywhere on the web can get you sued and taken to jail apparently… and I don’t really know anybody in Anonymous that would even bother to help me out if I got into any shit… but that’s besides the point. So here I am ready to embark on a new journey of employment. I started out as a part time CSR (customer service rep) at there in house call center. Oh I forgot to tell you that this job is about an hour away from my house…. That comes into play later on in this gripping story that is my life… (sarcasm does not translate very well in type… we really need hand and eye gestures to get that point across.) There I am all nice and sitting down (finally) at my new cubical waiting to be trained. Mind you I do have experience in customer service but I was not prepared for the type of bullshit I would have to pull out of my ass with this job. I will make a long story short….. like I said I was starting off as a part time CSR… then some one thankfully quit and I became a full time CSR…. Then a month or so after that I became the parts manager for this area (Raleigh, Durham, Fayetville , Greensboro and Wilmington) one would think that the title of manager would garner a higher pay rate… NOPE it was basically you will do this or we will fire you and find some other poor smuck to do it… and seeing how by the grace of god I have this job I was left with little choice. So I become the new parts bitch.. I mean manager, and it was great until I found out that a spot for a Market dispatcher came open…. With the promise of a raise that I desperately needed. So I applied for the position and I got it! Hooray for me… more responsibilities and more pay! Fuck yeah! I was told that I would be making good money soon I just needed to get through the 30 day probation period… which was understandable. The last 4… yeah that’s right 4! People that had this position either quit or had nervous break downs. And you think I am kidding you with the nervous breakdown parts… but I wish I wasn’t… the last guy that had my job one day got up from his cubical screamed and left the building and never came back….. fun right! But anyhoo back to me and my story….. so fast forward 6 months…. 6 whole fucking months and NO RAISE!!!!!! I am starting to get pissed and my moral is at a low right now… I am struggling to pay bills that me and my then girlfriend had… I was commuting an hour 1 way and that was killing me.. So I went to my boss who is now the new general manager and asked him what is up with my raise…. And he tells me that he has to wait till the new year….. well great time to tell me!!!! If you would have told me that in the beginning I would have been understanding but noooo you have to blow smoke up my ass and tell me its coming…. So I wait…. And the new year comes… and then they have the balls to tell me that I need to have a yearly evaluation before I can get my raise…. OK I ask him how that works and he tells me that I need to get with the operations manager… who is never around. But finally I get a hold of this crazy lady…. And ask her to do my eval… and this is the kicker right here folks…. SHE CANT DO IT!!!!! Only my manger can… who is the GM who told me that my operations manager has to do it…. HOLY FUCK PEOPLE DO YOU SEE THE VISCOUS CIRCLE OF SHIT I HAD TO DEAL WITH!@@#!@ OK…. Deep breath and exhale.. phew OK I good now. I finally get her to do my eval and then it needs to get kicked up to the GM who then kicks it back to me to sign off on the that kicks it back to the operations manger how has to sign off on it again to kick it back to the GM who has to sign off on it to kick it up to his in line manger to approve the pay increase to then kick it to HR to approve the approval of the sign off on the eval to then kick it back down the GM to put the raise into effect to then push off to pay roll….. :OASDHFLKADSHF:OASDHUIAHNDUIFGOJH ß that’s my brain exploding from the massive amount of bullshit that went on there. (and if you think I am blowing out of proportion…. I am not and I could easily show you the paper work if they didn’t delete it after I left). So yeah in the end I did not get the raise, my mind was shattered, my home life was falling apart because I was paying more to go to work than I was making. So I had enough… I went looking for another job… and when I tell you I was lucky when I found this job……. I was fucking LUCKY… Apparently there are no more jobs anywhere in the entire USA… I know this because I applied to ALL THE JOBS!!!!! I even applied to be a dishwasher at a hospital that worked 14 hours a day… they didn’t even call me back!!! So finally one day I went to my local mall and applied to every (almost) store in the place and finally one of the security guards that works the mall overheard me asking if the janitors were hiring. (I have my new lease on life and my new career to this guard who I have to get permission from before I can release her name). She literally took a big risk on my and told me to apply. So I did… and met with the director of security and BOOM! I got the job!!!!! YEAH BUDDY!!!! I am 5 mins away from the mall, I can see my wife (I will explain in the next post) and life couldn’t be any better. It could get better but I was still working for the other GLOBAL place. I went back and told them I am not working dispatch any more…. I want to work in the warehouse and only work 30 hours a week… they agreed… but not liking it. Again long story short, I worked for the warehouse for about 3 weeks and then they fired me on some bullshit reasoning that they have yet to prove to me and show me facts… but fuck them and there failing business…. They are a bunch of mismanaged assholes that will drive the company into the ground and they will all lose there jobs.. but yeah… I love my new job! Again I will explain what it is I am doing and what it is I want to finally do with my life later…. This is just a recap of what happened after my last post… as you can see it was a fuck ton… and there is a lot more coming later on!!!!

Till then,

Stay Yeknom my friends!