Well well well, I tried to make a comeback and thought I could stick it out and make some more posts but as you can clearly see... that was not the case. So let’s try this again, this time I think I can keep it going!
Ok so I left off with me going on vacation to Mexico, and I got a new job at T-mobile. Ok I am going to start off this come back with a BANG! The vacation to Mexico…… I cannot make this stuff up even if I was a master of litterateur.
So here we are on a plane to New Orleans to hop on a cruse ship to Mexico, this is the first ever vacation me and Cyndi are taking…. EVER! You would think that we would be super excited pee your pants happy... right? No…. well yes we were excited but here is the kicker, Cyn was sick. I’m not talking “oh I got a little tickle in my throat” sick I'm talking about turning 3 shades of green then white sick. She is having hot flashes, fever of over 100 degrees and a soar throat to the point of not being able to swallow. Here we are in New Orleans hours from getting on the ship and she is feeling miserable and to boot she has to put on a smile and everything so we could get on the ship. Ok to put this in perspective, the time we are getting on the ship was the same time the Swine Flu pandemic was in its height of paranoia. So anybody that was coughing or looked funny was not getting on the ship. There was no way we were going to miss this vacation so we had to look like a million bucks even though we (mostly Cyn) felt like death. Fast forward…… we get on the ship no problem and we are in our room now and Cyn is trying her hardest to put on a brave face and go out and have fun. That is just not happening; the first day on the ship was spent in the cabin sleeping. I am the kind of guy that will do anything for my girl even miss out on fun things because I want to make sure she is feeling good. I don’t mind it, people say “do you feel bitter for having missed so much on your vacation?” the answer is NO! If I was bitter or pissed about missing things then shit I would be a bitter grumpy 25 year old. I take things as they come and make the best out of it. Ok enough of that rant time to give the highlights of the trip.
Even though Cyn was running a fever of 104 and she couldn’t swallow her own spit, we still managed to have a blast on the ship. First off the food…….. Holy crap in a bag it was AWESOME! Dinner was freaking awesome, I felt like a king. I was ordered 4-5 different entrees for dinner. Braised lamb? Sure why not let me also get the steak, fish, chicken and throw in your first born as well. Man I ate like I have never eaten before! From the breakfast bar and me loading up on abo0ut 5 pounds of bacon a day to the all you can eat ice cream, yeah it was good. When I wasn’t eating everything in sight, we were in Mexico and had an amazing time. We saw the ancient Aztec ruins, did some amazing shopping and took tons and tons of pictures. Those were the highlights of the trip. It turns out that when we got back from the cruise to Mexico and we were back at home we found out that Cyn had the Swine Flu. At least that’s what the doctors told us (but who really listens to them anyway).
Ok now you have all the info you could get on our vacation to Mexico, now it’s on to the fun/boring/my life. As stated in my earlier post, I got a new job at T-mobile. This is where the fun begins, well sort of. My first week on the job I had already put in for vacation (the Mexico trip) and missed 2 training classes. That’s beyond the point, this job is idiot proof, and the location I work at is pretty rough (lower income Durham, NC). The first month I was there I was told never to make the bank deposit at night because I will get robbed (that’s comforting) and I was also told that I will get robbed, everyone at that mall has gotten robbed at least once (again comforting to know that). I made the most out of the situation, I thought to my self “I have a job, I am making money, and this is making Cyndi happy at home I can suck it up and do work!”
Ok it was fun for the first couple of months, but things started to go down hill from there. I was only making $8 an hour and the commission structure was complete bullshit. I had to hit a certain number a week and if I didn’t hit it I would not see a penny of commission. I was working 35 hours a week and not making any commission because at the mall I worked for the people there had no money and all the phones we had cost more than what the peoples unemployment checks had. Things were looking down for sales until I convinced my manager to get us some free phones, now things were picking up for me at the phone store. I was hitting commission and making some money. Then people started to quit, and I was left without a manager, and without any help. Isn’t that some bullshit, I am working 12 hour days 7 days a week and I don’t get any help, and the help I do get….. Oh this is good. I get a manager that is a midget with a napoleon complex and his obese coworker named Freeze (this asshole had that name on his name tag). Long story short they both got fired for hitting on a 15 year old girl and making lewd comments. They got what was coming to them (oh! And the midget was stealing phones form the company and selling them on Craig’s list, that guys was a freaking genius!). Ok it wasn’t all that bad I must say, I did meet some interesting people while working there. Such as the stripper mom that paid all here bills in $1 bills. Oh and a girl that got out of prison about an hour before comes in to get a phone and tells me she has no money but she will do sexual favors for a cell phone (WTF I have a girl friend that I love and she was nasty looking). Now the really fun part of my job, the sales contest. My boss was awesome, he is the owner and he was very hands on. He wanted to challenge us during the holiday season so the contest was to sell 50 phones in 3 weeks; the prize was trip to Vegas on his dime. Well all I have to say is that I won and boom Vegas baby!
I am thinking to myself now, I won a trip to Vegas and things are going to turn around for me at work. I was wrong, seriously wrong! The owner hired another manager for the store and this guy was a doozie! This guy had a rotten front tooth and looked like he was on meth 24/7. This guy would lie to me and not show up for his shift (which would put me again in 12 hour shifts). Finally I got fed up with his crap when he called out saying that he had to go pick up his kid from school and the next day I asked him why he didn’t show up for the next day shift and he told me he had mouth surgery the other day. LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am pissed off with his whole work situation and the kicker for me was the owner puts his coke addicted brother in charge of the store and this guy hires a new coworker. I don’t mind that he hired a new guy but he had no experience and he was just very very weird. I have been working for them for about 10 months and this new guy comes in and acts like he is the manager. Making the schedules and all that stuff. He even went as far as to make a schedule give it to the owner and then change it the next day and didn’t tell me, I drove to work and he told me that I had a day off. That’s when I decided to look for another job. It took me about a month to find a new job (where I am right now and I am very very happy with, I will detail that in the next entry). So I wanted to talk to the guy who hired me and made me all theses promises and such to tell him I was leaving and was putting in my 2 week notice. The sad part was I wanted to be professional about it and give my 2 weeks but when the owner doesn’t return my phone calls and blatantly ignores me; I lost all respect for him and decided to take things in my own hands. So my last day I worked a 12 hour shift, counted the money and walked out lock the door, took the key off my key ring and chucked it in the middle of the store. The next day when I didn’t show up to my shift the new guy (who doesn’t have my number) facebook messages me asking me if that was my key in the middle of the store. I told him yes and I quit! He goes on and says this ruins his plans and that I cant do that. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH screw you buddy! 2 weeks later I go in to collect my last paycheck and the new guy starts to berate me and I am not having it. Mind you I am 5’10 290lbs football playing guy and this guy was a 5’6 fat boy that was getting up in my face. So I told him the nicest way “FUCK OF YOU SQUISHY FACED FUCKER!” then took my check and flipped him off.
Now we are caught up on the important things in my life that I want to go into today. Hey I need to have more things to write for later. So here is a preview for later entries; a new job, a new puppy, a new car and nuptials!
Till then
Stay in the light of the YEKONM!