Well it has been a minute in a half since I posted anything... with good reason. I have MOVED TO NORTH CAROLINA! Yeah it has been a crazy few weeks, with all of my packing and driving and such.
I have moved in with my lovely girlfriend cyndi, in a nice one bedroom apartment in the lovely town of Durham, NC... This town is great, we are close to her sister and brother in law and those two are great people to be around. I am in the process of finding a new job after the one that got me down here has fallen through. My manager was seriously bipolar so it was only a matter of time before it went bad. So I got an interview today for a admin position at a hosing complex.. full time and makes good money and the best part is...... it is a 9-5 job which is perfect!
well that's it for now... I'm off to eat lunch with Cyn and get a tour of her job which she works at the EPA.. how cool is that?!
Till next time... Forever YEKNOM!